Clinical animations on Cardiology, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Dentistry & Fitness.Complete Courses, delivered by leading experts in Human Anatomy, Point of Care Ultrasound, Cadaveric Imagery, Clinical Correlates & more.Model customization with custom labels, pen tool & image import.
Now includes a living, beating, dissectible human heart in full 3D Used by 200 of the world’s top universities, including 6 US Ivy League schools, 20 of the world’s top 25 ranked medical schools, 7 of the top 10 largest US public universities and 9 of the 10 top-rated UK universities.
Not just an atlas, but an anatomy learning platform with unique collaboration and learning tools. The world’s most accurate, most advanced and best-selling 3D anatomy platform takes another giant leap forward, with groundbreaking new technology, models and content.